Plataforma Fluorescente

Jordi Casanovas


(Villafranca del Panadés, 1978) Playwright and theatre director. Director of the company FlyHard, of which he was a founder, from 2005 to 2013. Founder and artistic director of SALAFlyHard from the 2010-2011 season until 2013. Studies in Telecommunications Engineering 1996 – 2001. Bachelor of Fine Arts studies. 2001 – 2005. Drama teacher at the Institut del Teatre, Eolia and Escac. He has written some thirty plays. He has won the City of Valencia Prize for Estralls, the City of Alcoy Prize 2005 for Beckenbauer, the Marqués de Bradomín Prize 2005 for Andorra and Josep Robrenyo 2002 for Las mejores ocasiones. The trilogy made up of Wolfenstein, Tetris and City / Simcity received the Barcelona Critics‘ Prize for the revelation of the 2006-07 season, the Critics’ Serra d’or Prize for the best theatrical text of 2006 and nominations for the Butaca and Max Awards. Butaca Award for best play in 2009 for La Revolución. Time Out Award for best play in 2011 for Un hombre con gafas de pasta. Butaca Award for best play in 2011 for Una Historia Catalana. City of Barcelona Theatre Award for Patria.