Plataforma Fluorescente

Pedro G. Romero


Pedro G. Romero (Aracena, 1964) has been working as an artist since 1985. He also works as a curator and curator of exhibitions. He was part of UNIA arteypensamiento and member of the PRPC (Plataforma de Reflexión de Políticas Culturales) in Seville. He is a member of pie.fmc (Independent Platform for Modern and Contemporary Flamenco Studies). Participant in Documenta14 Athens/Kassel and resident at the Spanish Academy in Rome. Regular contributor to the El Dorado Flamenco Society in Barcelona. He also works with flamenco dancers, singers and guitarists (Israel Galván, Rocío Márquez, Tomás de Perrate, Niño de Elche, Alfredo Lagos, etc.) In 2020 he directed the film Nueve Sevillas with Gonzalo García Pelayo. He has been curator and curator of major exhibition cycles such as “Tratado de Paz” for Donostia/San Sebastián 2016 or “Aplicación Murillo” for the ICAS in Seville. He has also curated thesis exhibitions such as “Vivir en Sevilla”, “La noche española” (with Patricía Molins) or “Máquinas de vivir” (with María García) and monographs on “Ocaña, 1972-1962” or “Helios Gómez. Days of Anger”. The MNCARS has carried out a review of his work as an artist and curator under the title Máquinas de trovar.