Azul Lombardía
He began his training at the age of 10 and under the direction of Nora Moseinco, he joined the group Los Susodichos (1993/2005) with whom he created several plays such as Marea, Total and Magoya presented at El Callejón, El CCR, El Cubo, La Trastienda, CCSM, Konex, etc.
She also participated in Emporio Caserta and Mar de Ajó, Diván, Dos Cirujas, among other plays.
She is Co-Author and Director of the TV series Según Roxi (NETFLIX, TVP).
In 2013, as part of CCR’s Óperas Primas cycle, she premiered Doberman, a play under her authorship and direction, which was also presented at TIMBRe 4 theatre, El Callejón and the Rafaela Festival. He premiered his first film ‘Doberman’ with the support of INCAA.