Leticia Mazur
She was born in Buenos Aires in 1978. She is a dancer, actress, choreographer and teacher. She began her training at the age of 5 in sport gymnastics and continued practising dance, yoga, acting and singing, focusing on the knowledge of her own body rather than on a particular technique. She studied at the Performing Arts Research and Training Studios (P.A.R.T.S.) Belgium, a school directed by Anne Teresa Dekeersmaeker.
She worked as co-creator and performer in ‘Secreto y Malibú’ directed by Diana Szeinblum, ‘Guarania Mia’ and ‘Random’ directed by Carlos Casella and ‘Ouroboro’ directed by Luis Garay. He worked as a performer with De la Guarda and El Descueve. She danced as a soloist with the Hypnofón Orchestra directed by Alejandro Terán. In theatre and film she was directed by Javier Daulte, Edgardo Cozarinsky, Mariana Obersztern, Mariano Llinás and Matías Feldman among others. He directed ‘Ilusión’, ‘La lengua’, ‘Antena’, ‘La capacidad de que fieras blancas irrumpan del suelo’, ‘Los huesos’, ‘Jugando de la tierra’, ‘La película’ and ‘La película’. Los huesos‘, “Jugadora muda en bata”, “Aura”, “Vestidos de gracia” (National University of the Arts Company), El Caos (National Contemporary Dance Company) and ¨El corazón’ (audiovisual piece). He has performed at the Casa de la Cultura, at the International Literature Festival (MALBA) and at the International Playwriting Festival. Co-directed ‘Watt’ with Inés Rampoldi and ‘Mi papá, tu papá, tu hija y la mía’ with Margarita Molfino. He works in creative collaboration with the visual artist Cynthia Cohen, with the augmented reality artist Tomás García and in a musical film project directed by Lola Arias. She has participated in international festivals in Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico, United States, Spain, France, Japan and Singapore.
She has been a researcher and teacher of improvisation and body exploration since 2000, developing the method ‘Práctica infinita’.
In 2019, she made a retrospective of her work invited by the programme Artist in Residence of the Complejo Teatral de Buenos Aires, where she also produced her new work ‘Phantastikón’. She is currently developing several interdisciplinary projects, one of which will inaugurate the Performance Biennial 2021 in Buenos Aires.