Luciano Cáceres
He trained as an actor with Alejandro Boero, Julio Baccaro, Eduardo Riva, Lucero Aguilar and Javier Daulte. He studied stage production with Rubén Szuchmacher and dramaturgy with Javier Daulte. He has directed plays by national and international authors such as 4.48 Psicosis by Sara Kane, Ciudad como botín and Sex according to Mae West by René Pollesch, Automáticos by Javier Daulte (with the author), La isla de fin de siglo by Alejandro Finzi, Criaturas del aire by Lucía Laragione, Paraísos olvidados by Rodolfo Roca and El cordero de ojos azules (Teatro Regio 2011). As an actor he worked under the direction of Javier Daulte in Nunca estuviste tan adorable (Teatro Sarmiento 2004), Bizarra by Rafael Spregelburd and in Bésame mucho by Javier Daulte, among many others. In 2007 he premiered Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman under the direction of Ruben Szuchmacher and in 2007 and 2008 he also worked on Javier Daulte’s Happiness, directed by the author. He ventured into film (Love, First Part; Garua, Black Cat and One Hundred Years of Forgiveness) and television (Time Doesn’t Stop, What Time Left Us, Booties).