Sebastián Kalt
Sebastian Kalt is a theatre director and performance artist. He trained at Bristol University and Oxford University. He has collaborated with René Pollesch, Jurek Sawka and Andrzej Wirth. In 2009 he premiered La disputa de Marivaux at Teatro del Sur. In 2012 he presented Pornografía ambiente at Pasaje 17, for whom he then curated three performance cycles: II. Ensamblajes Violentos (2015), which included his des.con.figuración and Decime qué se siente: LTA (passion of multitudes), III. Expanded Choreography (2016) which included her -rhagia and IV. Anatomies (2017). In 2017 she premiered a multimedia production of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s El empapelado amarillo at the Cultural San Martín.