Victoria Vera
Victoria Vera (Montevideo, 1982). Lawyer, Actress, Playwright and Mother of Delfina, Antonio and Guillermina. She has participated as an author in the creation of shows at a national and international level, highlighting Las Actices (2010), Las Exculpas de los Hijos de Puta (2012), Impronight (2010-2016), General Darcy and the Girl (UK) (2013 ), Improglam (2015 -2017), The Love We Have (2022), ‘Reasons not to do Hamlet’ (2022)
Her work was recognized in the following contests and awards: Fidae, Competitive Funds, Hot Bed New Writting Festival, Fefca, Royal Court Latin America Workshop and resident playwright at Dynamo No. 6 organized by INTERDRAM (2019).
His training includes workshops and courses with Andrea Garrote (AR), Alejandro Tantanian (AR), Alberto Conejero (ESP), Carolina Silveira (UY) April de Angelis (UK), Elyse Dodgson (UK), Tanika GUPTA (UK) , Rory Mullarkey (UK), Carolina Vivas (COL) in addition to the teaching staff of the TUD (EMAD/UDELAR) holding dramaturgy workshops with teachers such as Luis Masci, Roberto Suarez, Carlos Liscano, Marianela Morena, Gabriel Calderón, Carlos Rehermann and Sergio Blanco.