Plataforma Fluorescente

Laura Kalauz


Laura Kalauz (Buenos Aires, 1975) studied Communication Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires. In 1998 she emigrated to Europe, where she studied dance and improvisation. In 2003 she graduated as Dance Maker at the EDDC/Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (The Netherlands). She currently lives in Buenos Aires, where she works as a freelance artist.

Her work explores the possibilities of contemporary art as a trigger for critical thinking and as a tool capable of denaturalising the aesthetic, economic and political conventions on the basis of which social (self-)control is articulated.

Some of her works: ‘Turist’ (2005), ‘Multiverse’ (2006) ‘Excuse me, could you choreograph me’ (2007), ‘Numbers, names and love’ (2009), ‘Title’ (2009) winner of the ZKB award, ‘CMMN SNS PRJCT’ (2011), Salvaje (2013), Nostalgia for a Future Science Fiction (2016), MONUMENTAL (2017) the last two in collaboration with Sofia Medici. Since 2014 he participates in the project SAID TO CONTAIN together with neu Dringlichkeit & Walking Theory touring and doing research residencies. In June 2018 she premiered the play LÍNEA HISTÓRICA at the Festival Internacional de Dramaturgia (Buenos Aires) in collaboration with Sofía Medici. In May 2019 she presented together with Sofía Medici a new chapter of at the Performance Biennial BP19 (Buenos Aires) and also teaches workshops and seminars in institutions and festivals such as NAVE (Chile), Dynamo (Switzerland), Centro de Investigaciones Artísticas CIA (Buenos Aires). She was a mentor for the experimental training Laboratorio de Acción at Teatro San Martín (Buenos Aires, 2019).

During the isolation 2020, she premiered EL ESTADO DE LAS COSAS, an ongoing performance about performance as a historical fact and its modes of en-actment.